Leaving the uncontrollable behind us, we found the closest bar in the airport. After a few drinks, two hotels and an hour train ride into the city, we found ourselves sitting in the infamous MLB broadcasters restaurant Harry Carey's. The rest of the night found us at a few other watering holes and some other aspects of your "quintessential" bachelor party.
Successfully catching our flight the next morning we finally made it to Jackson. Just as beautiful as I remembered it from my last trip here. What was even better was the reaction from my buddies who had not been here before, they were impressed to say the least. We made our way to the Teton Village to meet up with Brewer and Keith for some lunch at the Mangy Moose, then onto our house in the village. Later that night we drove into Jackson to have dinner at Trio and meet up with Brian W. and his daughter Lauren. Lauren resides in Jackson and was truly instrumental in many of the logistics of the weekend. Her hospitality and camaraderie were second to none. Following a phenomenal dinner and a few Blood Orange Margarita's we headed out for some nightlife. Trying to get into the famous Million Dollar Cowboy Bar was nearly impossible even on top of a $20 cover charge!! This was due to the World Championship Snowmobile Hill Climb being held this weekend. Every bar was over run with "slednecks" as we referred to them. So Lauren was nice enough to invite us back to her place for some drinks and good ol' fashion conversation and story telling. Tomorrow....SNOWMOBILING!~!!
An hour drive thru the vast and beautiful Teton National Park was our destination of Togwotee Mountain Lodge where we would depart from for our 7hr excursion thru the back country of Togwotee pass. We would cross over the continental divide, blast 60 - 70 mph across open meadows of pristine powder that was at least 2 ft or more deep. We would see Brewer slide off the trail and bury himself in a tree, eat a great meal at a great roadside restaurant that we drove our sleds right up to the front door. All the while being totally surrounded by some of the most beautiful and untouched landscape you have ever seen. It was a long and exhausting day.
Early that evening, the time spent in the hot tub relaxing, along with the challenges of making snow angels right
out of the hot tub were well warranted. Then a nice pasta meal and we were ready for the night. There was a concert in the village that night. We were a little late to see the concert but were able to catch the fireworks display. It had not stopped snowing all day. It was still coming down as we arrived in time for the fireworks. This was a first for me. Let me just tell you that seeing fireworks display in the middle of a very heavy snow fall was truly a surreal experience. Hundreds of people bundled up, drinking beer and cheering for every blast of color that reflected off of the snowflakes. Afterwards, we headed to the extremely crowded Moose for some beers, the sighting of the YAKET and then to bed for another big day....this time....deep powder turns on the mountain!!
Never have I experienced such phenomenal snow conditions on a mountain. Even the locals were stating that it was unbelievable, especially for this time of year. We started off small, taking the Teewinot lift to the lower part of the mountain. We pretty much had to teach ourselves all over again. This was not the east coast! After a few passes down the lower mountain, we ventured higher. One of the best things about this level of powder is that is is so forgiving. We must have taken dozens of spills going down mountain. All of these head over heal, cartwheels and somersaults were accompanied with nothing but belly laughing fun! The times that we were upright (which occurred more often the longer the day progressed) were filled with celebratory hoots and woo-hoos. Not only from us, but from all ages all over the mountain. Happy folks everywhere, enjoying and livin life. About 3pm we called it a day and headed to the lodge for some drinks and munchies.
Later that night some of us split up. Unfortunately Dennis and Ryan had flown home earlier that day. Keith, Fred,
Brewer and Milano had stayed in the village for some pizza. Zach and I drove to meet Brian and Lauren at one of the areas favorite Sunday night spots...The Stagecoach Bar in Wilson. Here you can find a mix of local ski bums, climbers that just got off of the rocks, your local Joe and the white collar workers all sitting around enjoying a beer, eating some awesome Mexican food while dancing the night away to the house band that has been playing there every single Sunday for 40 years!! This bluegrass, country western band is headed up by Bill Briggs, recently inducted into the skiers hall of fame. Some dancin, some beers and great company, the day could not have been any better.
Originally we were supposed to fly out of Jackson today...Monday afternoon. Joe and I had decided to stay one day longer due to the fact that we missed a day on the mountain from the circumstances in Chicago. Keith, Brewer, Fred and Zach flew out that day and Joe and I headed to the mountain. We immediately jump on the Tram. Jackson's latest, greatest, state of the art high speed aerial tram. In 9 min. it can transport 100 skiers/boarders 4100ft to the very top of the mountain. With music jamming in the cabin and an exceptional perspective of the mountain, it is definitely a highlight not to be missed. Upon exiting the tram, you are struck in the face by the blustery wind blowing off the 10,000 ft peak you are standing upon. What a view from up here. We were blessed by sunny blue skies that gave us an unobstructed view of the surrounding, gorgeous Tetons. Half of the day we rode the tram. This equates to about 3 rides since each descent can take over a half an hour at times. Not to mention the fatigue from yesterday and the effort it takes to make turns in the depth of the snow. In the afternoon we headed to the far left of the mountain to tackle some black diamonds. From Teewinot and Apres Vous, to the tram, Rendevous, Bernies Bowl and the Hobacks, it all can be summed up in on word...EPIC!
Continuing to extend her hospitality, Lauren offered to put us up for the night. Brian and her whipped up a delicious meal for all of us, including 3 of her closest and equally as great friends. Fresh salad, pizza and juicy steaks hit the spot. This coupled with more stories and some beautiful acoustical guitar and singing by Brian provided for the perfect end to such an almost unexplainable great 6 days!
This trip was bound for great things to happen. It has exceeded anything I could have planned. I had nine great, fantastic friends and family join me on this trip. I feel as though a tenth one has been added once we all met Lauren. A place like Jackson really makes you feel alive. My soul definitely shines in an environment like this. Yet it is the people that you are surrounded by that help define some of the soul shining experiences.