With over 30,000 participants raising more than 3 million dollars, the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure was certainly a sight to be seen and I was fortunate enough to be a part of it. Our team, "Barb's Bosom Buddies", graciously raised over $2,400 in honor of the beloved survivor, Aunt Barb. I also personally ran for my mother who is a survivor going on 6 years now!
"Run 4 Life" is the motto of the Dustin Bauer Memorial 5k. This 4th annual fund raiser provides scholarship contributions for educational and athletic purposes to Calvert Hall College High School and Mount Saint Mary's University. Held at Oregon Ridge Nature Center, we as runners experienced a beautiful cross country run, not lacking in it's share of rolling hills! The fastest time recorded yesterday was 17:30....Dustin used to finish it in less than 16:30!!
To have the ability to participate in not one, but two of these great causes in the same day is not taken for granted for one second. Thanks to all of the Aunt Barb's and Dustin's in this world who give us hope, inspiration and love in all of our lives.
"People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily."