
A Family of Four

As I sit here and write this, I am listening to the laughter and giggles of my beautiful Alexandra echoing through my home.  These could possibly be the most beautiful sounds this man has heard.

Yet, almost two months ago, another sound just as beautiful was vigorously resonating in my ear.  The cry of my newborn son, Garrett Christopher.  As his mother embraces him in her devoted arms, my eyes tear from the certainty that miracle number two has just entered my life.

Another chapter begins.  About a family of four.  Embracing the story of this ever so exciting adventure called "Life".  

Garrett - "The world is but a canvas to your imagination"                                               - Henry David Thoreau

1 comment:

Hectic Harmony. (www.hecticharmony.net) said...

I always enjoy your posts Chris.
I hope I am sledding at 94 yrs young and smiling about my life! And I know what you mean about the beautiful sounds at home....it's so important to reflect on those moments I think.